Release Notes
Started overview page
Started tabsets sync extension, further refactorings
no changes, build and release issues fixed.
- Further module refactorings
- Further Cleanup
- Started bookmrkx extension (bookmarks in the sidepanel)
- Cleanup, Focus on Base Functionality
- Starting Opera Extension
- Large Refactoring into modules
- Tabsets can be shared publicly (free account needed)
- Open Tabs Improvements
- Fix for Advanced Tab Management on Firefox
- Testing RSS integration
- Some Progress on Sync Feature
- fixed bug when adding comments
- Stats overview
- Improved Windows Management, second iteration
- Starting sync features (not yet active though)
Improved Dark Mode
- Using Manifest v3 for Firefox now
- Starting translations
- Improved Windows Management
- Website Annotations (experimental)
- Sharing Tabsets (experimental)
- Syncing via Git Repository (experimental)
- Testing for canvas visualization (see screenshot below)
- Advanced Windows Management: reopened Windows keep their sizes and positions
- Experimental: Monitor website changes
- Support for Google Chrome Groups (experimental)
- Started Support for Microsoft Edge
- Tab History with Shortcuts: Go Back One Tab, Go Forward One Tab
- Search with Shortcut (Command + K)
- Revisited Open Tabs view: Added Filtering